War in 2022!?

3 years ago

War's or just rumors of war?

Are we going through a transformation into a new world currently, where war's and threats of war's are simply par for course? On the other hand, is this simply paranoia from the 'west', caused from the 'Thucydides Trap' that's caught many a super power out in the past?

Dr. Reuben Steff has a PhD in Strategic Studies and a Masters in International Studies (MInSt) from the University of Otago, Dunedin. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Waikato where he teaches courses on International Relations and Global Security, and is a member of Te Puna Haumaru - NZ Institute for Security and Crime Science.

Applying strategic theory to this (and trying to remove our lens of morality out of the equation), it becomes a bit more clear as to why global leaders are doing what they're doing right now.

So what if we think of this as a chess-board, after understanding who the players are, we need to look at the position the pieces to the game are currently in.

Any investor, especially those who haven't ever seen global conflict at the scale we're talking about today, needs to consider what the environment is going to be like for 2022 if this situation continues to escalate.

Disclaimer: Views and opinions should not be taken too seriously -the goal is to get you to think for yourself. Please also don't form an investment strategy off the back of anything discussed today - do your OWN research!

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