The Ekklesia Project - Episode 59

3 years ago

A freedman of God hosting a journey to discover the lost ekklesia of God.
In this episode, we look at 1 Corinthians 9:13- 19. We take a more in-depth look at the link Paul makes in vss. 13-14. We also examine the prominent passages used by the church system to justify the salaries and benefits provided to senior pastors in a church. We discuss how the interpretation imposed on these passages cannot be supported by the Greek or the context in which these passages are found. Moreover, such interpretations are opposed to clear statements by Paul instructing the members of an ekklesia to take great care so as to work to provide for their own necessities and not be a burden on anyone else. Finally, we discuss why Paul insisted on refusing to allow his necessities to be provided by those he served as a priest of the gospel of God and why Paul believed his refusal may be rewarded by Christ on the Day.

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