Trademarks and the Backyard Nursery

6 years ago

When a plant’s patent expires, it belongs to the world, right? Some horticulture companies don’t see it that way, and they have a questionable “workaround” to keep control. It involves (mis)using Trademarks - after years of allowing gardeners, exhibitors, media and internet sources to help them publicize a plant - they claim the “name” was always just a “brand”. And, by the way, you need to pay a royalty to use it! It sort of smacks of the the way pharmaceutical companies treat drug names, and if you can’t trust big pharma for cues on proper moral conduct...

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ANDeli rose: Author minidriver used without changes under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license

Rose,Fellowship,バラ,フェローシップ: Author T. Kiya used without changes under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license

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