Is Rooting Hormone Safe?

5 years ago

The most common rooting hormone applied in propagation is a powder made with IBA (Indole-3-butyric Acid) and talc. I notice that many gardeners are quite interested in alternatives to commercial rooting hormones, trying things like honey, willow water, aloe, cinnamon and apple cider vinegar. They also wonder if rooting hormone is necessary. While these more natural alternatives are interesting, I've chosen to stick with IBA because its results are proven and consistent in horticulture. So I did a little research to figure out the risks and benefits related to IBA rooting hormone, and this video shows what I found.

Here are the topics I cover:

0:41 Is IBA toxic to handle?
3:00 Could IBA accumulate in edible plants to make them unsafe?
4:53 Can IBA harm the cuttings if used at the improper rate?
8:57 Is using IBA a sustainable growing practice?

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