2 years ago

InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on May 28, 2017


BREAKING: HILLARY IS BACK and being the paid foot soldier for Soros & NWO that she is, continues to support Islamic disruption of stable Western democratic Republics. Traitor! Benghazi & CIA money & Hillary made Libya a hot bed for ISIS & now Manchester.
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Everything in the left wing media and news is used against Trump- including the Portland train stabber as tied to Trump's supposed rhetoric to keep America safe. Have they blackmailed Trump? What's up? Seems DOJ and Donald won't touch her - yet. The strange alliance of left wing trash and ISLAM continues to grow and has emboldened and empowered rogue Islamic terrorists like the Manchester bomber. And who destabilized once dependable, Qaddafi led, strong man state LIBYA? You got it. Hillary Rodham! She let our ambassador and 3 brave American heroes die there after she, Obama, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes (all closet Muslims) armed and financed with US Tax dollars, Sunni-Wahhabi terror groups who have since proliferated there. Add to that NWO -EU left wing globalist wuss leaders like Theresa May (Merkel, Macron etc.) allows unimpeded, non-secure easy airline access to Germany cells and English streets and Ariana Grande concerts in Manchester and anywhere in UK! Domino effect mode. This bomber gained easy access from Libya- the pro Islamic, left wing US 4th & 9th Circuit Courts rejoice there is no extreme vetting and "open borders" George Soros toasts the invocation of his dangerous OPEN SOCIETY, BORDER-LESS WORLD model for the NWO destruction of remaining stable western constitutional republics who stand in the way of the one world global banking Cabal and the political & governmental singularity soon to rise out of Brussels & London. Even a US President, Donald J. Trump finds it nigh impossible to enforce even BASIC border security (let alone extreme vetting) as the NWO Soros- Obama appointed federal judges are on cue with their NWO ensemble and conductor. The 4th Circuit just upheld the extreme vetting and travel ban from Libya here on a bogus freedom of religion First amendment argument. Public safety Trumps fake religious liberty when the ideology is more pernicious to our freedom and safety than even Nazism and communism (Both ideologies banned under US Federal law and and later add on's to 1952 Immigration & nationality act.TREASON is deep in US government folks. The Manchester Bombers (brothers & father) were funded by CIA and Hillary US Tax payer CIA delivered CASH. Libya is now a major incubator and boarding school for ISIS and AL Qaeda CIA &Saudi backed Islamic terror cells and thanks to 4th and 9th courts - not on the travel ban, Expect a freaking MUSLIM bomb in your home town soon. I pray the President, DOJ and Sessions get to work and want them to know the Loyalists & American patriots are behind them 110%! God save America!

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