Daniel 1:8-21 | DARE TO BE DANIEL | 02/23/2022

3 years ago

Lesson begins around 20:00.

As Daniel and his friends are faced with Nebuchadnezzar's dietary requirements he is forced to make a choice. Would he comply and violate his God's dietary requirements? Daniel had determined in his heart that he would not violate his God's laws.

How do we apply this today? Today we know that COVID-19 "vaccines" have been cultured from an aborted fetus cell line or from the stolen cells from the line of a black female cancer victim. What will your choice be when faced with the choice of losing your livelihood or accepting a substance derived from a boy that was killed before birth or stolen from a woman's body?

And what about the freedom truckers convoy? The organizers are imprisoned and their livelihoods have been robbed. Would we stand for our faith if we knew the consequences?

Daniel risked his life. Will you dare to be a Daniel?

Photo by Osama Sarm on Wikimedia
#Daniel #Jesus #God #Christ #CalvaryChapelMissionValley #CalvaryChapel #onlinechurch #Church #Nebuchadnezzar #covid #vaccinations #vax #Israel #captivity

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