Does BLOXVOX work? BLOXVOX Private Phone Call Mask Review

5 years ago

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BLOXVOX is the world's best way to have a private phone call.

The problem is everywhere. But it's also nearly invisible.

You only realize it when it's too late. You need to have a phone call, and it's about something private. Or something that's just a little bit weird to talk about in public.

It could be:
your friend calling about your date last night
your doctor calling about the test results
your son's school calling about an incident
your tax guy calling about the audit
your boss calling about the merger
your bestie calling about some drama
your mother-in-law calling about some non-issue
your realtor calling about the offer
your colleague calling about "the Linda problem"

You need somewhere to talk. But there's nowhere to go! You're on the train, or at a busy office, or in a crowded coffee shop, or in a quiet library.

I made it my mission to solve this problem. That's why I created BLOXVOX.

I want to give you the power to SPEAK FREELY, whenever and wherever you need it.

A new accessory called Bloxvox muffles your phone conversations in an open office

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