Amazing Grass Green Superfood Wheatgrass Cookie Flavored Drink Mix Review

5 years ago

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Amazing Grass Green Superfood: Organic Wheat Grass and 7 Super Greens Powder, 2 servings of Fruits & Veggies per scoop, Holiday Cookie Flavor, 30 Servings
by Amazing Grass
Our Amazing Grass Green Food Blend includes a proprietary combination of organic, non-GMO wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa, spirulina, spinach, chlorella and broccoli.
Every serving is chock full of all the necessary vitamins and minerals you need to start and finish the day feeling healthy. Indulge in a healthy treat that reminds you of those wintery days with the fire going and the smell of cookies fresh from the oven.
Mix one serving with 6 or more oz. of water, juice, or mixed into your favorite smoothie! Scoop, stir, smile!
Amazing Grass is committed to improving our customer’s lives with our offering of premium organic whole food nutrition products as Mother Nature intended.
If you have any questions, allergies or concerns; before consuming any of our products we recommend consulting your healthcare professional or a registered dietitian.

Green Superfood Holiday Cookie is a powerful blend of nutritious greens, phytonutrient packed fruits and vegetables, cereal grasses, digestive enzymes and probiotics with a delicious holiday taste.

There's always a new trend in the world of wellness, and right it feels like you can’t swing a crystal without hitting a green “superfood” powder that claims to pack in a daily dose of greens—along a slew of other health benefits. The appeal is undeniable, but is mixing a couple teaspoons of powder into our morning smoothie really that beneficial? And, most importantly, do these powders taste good enough to drink?

Amazing Grass sources organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables from a national network of small farmers. Their original Green Superfood powder blends vegetables, fruits, and greens with digestive enzymes and probiotics to allegedly increase energy, promote detoxification, and boost the immune system.

This powder was one of the sweetest of the bunch, but still featured “earthy and honest” grassy notes. Tasters noted hints of matcha and “a raspberry iced tea vibe that would be stellar in a smoothie.”

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