Will a 9MM UpLULA Speed Loader Work with 380?

4 years ago

Get the 9mm UpLULA here... https://www.maglula.com/product/uplula-9mm-to-45acp
Get the 380 BabyLULA here... https://www.maglula.com/product/babyuplula-22lr-to-380acp
Get various magazine loaders here... https://geni.us/Rd7Xn6


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UpLULA® – 9mm to 45ACP universal pistol mag loader
The UpLULA® loader is a military-grade, pocket-size, universal pistol magazine loader and unloader designed to load and unload virtually all* 9mm Luger up to .45ACP single and double stack magazines of all manufacturers. It also loads most .380ACP single and double-stack mags, and 1911’s mags. The UpLULA® loader self-adjusts to the magazine and loads it easily, painlessly, and reliably !

The UpLULA® loader is a military-grade, pocket-size, universal pistol magazine loader and unloader designed to load and unload virtually all* 9mm Luger up to .45ACP single and double stack magazines of all manufacturers. It also loads most .380ACP single and double-stack mags, and 1911’s mags. The UpLULA® loader does it all easily, reliably, and painlessly!

Loads all* 9mm Luger, .357 Sig, 10mm, .40, and .45ACP cal. single and double stack magazines., including 1911 mags, of all manufacturer, and also loads most .380ACP single and double-stack mags.
Pocket-size. One size fits all. No inserts, spacers or adjustments at all !
Easy loading; the rounds just drop in with no thumb pushing or pressing.
No more pain ! Load hundreds of rounds painlessly.
Protects your fingers and mags.
Up to one round per sec. loading rate. 1/3 the time loading several mags with thumb.
Fits in hand and pocket, weighs only 66 grams (2.3 Ounce).
Highly durable.
Loads the following mags: Astra, Auto Ordnance, Barak, Beretta, Browning, Bul, Colt, CZ, EAA, FN, Glock, HK, Hi-Point, High Standard, Jericho, Kahr, Kel-Tec, Kimber, Les Baer, Llama, Luger, Magnum Research, Para Ordnance, Phoenix Arms, Ruger, Sigma, Sig/Sauer, S&W, Springfield Armory, Star, Steyr, Taurus, Vector, Walther, and more.

BabyUpLULA® – .22LR to .380ACP* loader for single-stack pistol mags without a projecting side button
The BabyUpLULA® loader is a high-quality pistol magazine loader and unloader designed for loading virtually all* .22 LR to .380 ACP (9mm Short/Kurz) single-stack narrow-body 1/2″ mags. which have normal / moderate angle of lips and no side button. It does so easily, reliably, and painlessly.

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