Cheapest Portable Golf Shot Launch Monitor Review

4 years ago

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PRGR Black Portable Launch Monitor
Portable Launch Monitor-Red Eyes Pocket-calculates the estimated distance of a flight based on large volumes of practice swing data accumulated by PRGR.

What’s inside the bag?

- PRGR Portable Launch Monitor: Red Eyes Pocket HS-120A
- Instruction Manual
- Batteries included

The PRGR Portable Launch Monitor is the perfect addition to any SuperSpeed Golf Training Package. It is an affordable and super-accurate Doppler Radar-based pocket-size portable launch monitor that is incredibly easy to use. It provides you with Swing Speed, Ball Speed, Carry Distance, Total Distance, and Smash Factor for each club. With this simple device, you are not only able to measure your swing data with a golf club, but also with any of the SuperSpeed Golf Training Clubs.

We have found that using this launch monitor during our protocols will provide great motivation to make each swing faster than the last. This will optimize the OverSpeed Training effect and maximize speed gains.

At SuperSpeed Golf we believe that creating measurable gains for our players is of the utmost importance. Having detailed records of your speed gains when you begin and go through the work of an Overspeed training regimen is essential to track and accomplish your swing speed goals. We use the PRGR Portable Launch Monitor with many of our players before, during, and after overspeed training sessions to track progress. A great test for every new SuperSpeed Golf user is to hit some golf shots with your driver and average the speed of these drives.

Then go through a SuperSpeed Golf Training Protocol and go back and hit a few more drives. We generally see a 5% to 8% increase in club speed during this test (if you are not too tired during the first couple swings!). We also use the launch monitor to measure the speeds of the individual SuperSpeed Clubs. This can help you to maintain the intensity of your training during protocols. Add this launch monitor to any SuperSpeed Golf training system to have another great tool at your disposal to track your progress!

The PRGR simultaneously measures club head speed immediately before impact and ball speed after impact and displays them on the LCD screen together with the estimated distance of flight.

The PRGR enables you to measure Swing Speed with or without a ball, Ball Speed, Carry Distance, Total Distance, and Smash Factor.

The PRGR calculates the estimated distance of flight based on large volumes of practice swing data accumulated.

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