The Claim for Damages Against the City of Livingston by Former City Manager

3 years ago

In This Video We Cover In this video we cover the Government Tort Claim Against the City of Livingston California which incldes
*Mr. Ramirez's educational background and experience, .
*original Livingston hire date in 2011,
*his resignation and reason for resignation in 2014,
*his rehire in 2017, and significant political events in 2018 and 2020
*..The Kang Brothers' complaint about their driveway
..Threats made against City Employees and Measure V Funds
..Threats reported to the City Attorney
..The City Council's Denial of the Driveway Modification Claim
..A request for approval of a Garage with a Second Story Loft Project
..Mr. Ramirez subjected to the first of multiple performance appraisals as retaliation
...the denial of Councilmember Kang's contstuction proposal
..The Beginning of the Shaw Investigation
..An attempt to delay the General Plan Process
..A violation of the Hatch Act reported to the City Attorney
..The Closing of the Shaw Investigation and Council Refusal to release the contents
..Allegations of Illegal Ballot Harvesting
..The cementing of an alliance within the City Council
..A Seargent's Car Accident with a pedestrian
..Allegations of Sexual Comments
..Interest in Cannabis Cultivation
..A Second Performance Evaluation
..The refusal to release Investigation Results
..A Report to the District Attorney
..The Fourth Performance Appraisal
**The Definition of Termination "For Cause"
**Mr. Ramirez reports violations of the Brown Act
**Mayor Aguilar and Mayor Pro Temp Garcia follow up regarding Cannabis Cultivation and Chief Soria's Contract
**Mr. Ramirez is informed of Sergeant Kang's Allegations
**Mr. Ramirez reports Retaliation
**Mr. Ramirez is subjected to a 5th Performance Review
**The City searched for a new Law Firm
**A Recall Effort is initiated
**Mr. Ramirez appoints a new Police Chief and is threatened
**The City Council Hires White Brenner LLP despite pushback by residents
**Two members of the Police Department make a false police report and are arrested
**Mr. Ramirez is subjected to a 6th Performance Appraisal
...The City changes Mr. Ramirez's termination to "for Cause" to avoid paying severance
...Council Member Moran releases a YouTube video
...Chief Markle is placed on leave

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