Detroit Style Pizza from Pizza Hut Review

4 years ago

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Detroit-style pizza is a rectangular pizza with a thick crust that is crispy and chewy. It is traditionally topped with Wisconsin brick cheese, then tomato sauce layered on top of the other toppings (rather than directly onto the dough). This style of pizza is often baked in rectangular steel trays designed for use as automotive drip pans or to hold small industrial parts in factories. The style was developed during the mid-twentieth century in Detroit before spreading to other parts of the United States in the 2010s. The dish is one of Detroit's iconic local foods.

Detroit-style pizza is a deep-dish rectangular pizza topped with Wisconsin brick cheese and a cooked tomato-based sauce.[1][2] The dough typically has a hydration level of 70 percent or higher, which creates an open, porous, chewy crust with a crisp exterior.[12][18][31] Shield's Pizza describes the importance of the sauce for flavor and how quality is ensured by consistently baking pizza for 13 minutes at 440°F.[32]

Traditionally the toppings are layered with the cheese below the sauce.[1][32] Pepperoni is often placed directly on the crust, and other toppings may go directly on top of the cheese, but the cooked sauce is always the final layer and is applied in dollops[12] or in "racing stripes," two or three lines of sauce.[1][2][18][32][33] Some recipes call for the sauce to be added after the pizza comes out of the oven.[2] The style is sometimes referred to as "red top" because the sauce is the final topping.[19][31]

Close-up of a Detroit-style pizza slice showing details of the porous crust and lacy cheese crust edges.
The cheese is spread to the edges and caramelizes against the high-sided heavyweight rectangular pan, giving the crust a lacy, crispy edge.[2][18] According to the trade journal Pizza Today, "The key to this pizza is the delicious caramelized cheese that melts down the interior walls of the pan".[18]

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