Dr Jeff Barke: CA Bill Would Strip Doctors of Medical License if They Spread “Misinformation”

3 years ago

Today, The Two Mikes interviewed Dr. Jeff Barke (pronounced  Barky), a primary-care doctor in Orange County, CA. He has over 25 years of experience and is an activist opposing medical tyranny. He is a member of America's Frontline Doctors and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), and co-hosts a podcast with Dr. Mark MacDonald, a Los Angeles-based psychiatrist who has been on The Two Mikes several times. That podcast is called "Informed Dissent".

He added that there is now a bill in the Democrat-dominated California legislature that, if approved, would mandate the withdrawal of licenses from doctors spreading "misinformation" as that term will be defined in the pending bill.

--Dr. Barke's website is at: https://www.rxforliberty.com

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