Resonance: Beings of Frequency

2 years ago

The human body, as well as all other life forms on Earth, are extremely sensitive to pulsating electro-magnetic fields, whether that radiation is natural or artificially produced. The human body resonates at 7.83 Hz, just as all other life on Earth does. Even Sunspots, for instance, have a profound effect on people's physical and psychological health. When you disrupt that Earth Pulse, as it's often called, and replace it with things like Wireless Communication Radiation (WCR), which is [pulsed] non-iodizing radiation, the detrimental effect on human beings is enormous.
Since the advent of wireless communication technologies, the use of which didn't really become prolific and widespread until about thirty years ago, our exposure to pulsed, electromagnetic radiation has increased over three million times. With cell phone towers now covering most of our planet, and now 5G, which was actually been used as a directed energy weapon during the Iraq war, and which was first installed in major cities such as Wuhan, China and New York City at exactly the same time as people began coming sick from the mysterious SARS-CoV-2 virus, which, has never been properly isolated or clinically studied, it's not unreasonable to conclude that what we might be seeing seeing in this so-called COVID-19 pandemic, is not the effects of a relatively harmless, SARS-CoV-2 super-spreader [marker] virus that Fauci, Baric, Collins, and Li developed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but the effects of 5G Wireless Communications Radiation, which are exactly the same as the symptoms for COVID-19.
Could the SARS-CoV-2 virus just be a convenient cover for the 5G weapon that the ruling class plan to use in order to control, monitor, and manipulate humanity? It wouldn't surprise me at all. After all, their stated plans for the future of humanity are completely dependent upon the complete, worldwide implementation of 5G technology. For instance, even the "The Internet of Things" is not possible without 5G, nor would many other things the unelected elite at the WEF (World Economic Forum) have been planning for humanity for more than a decade now. The fact that 5G can also be used as a weapon is just a bonus for our Technocratic overlords who are working overtime right now, as you can see, in their effort to herd humanity into the waiting arms of the feedlot that they call their New World Order. Having a whip in your hand makes herding livestock easy.
Tesla once said "If you want to find the secrets of the universe. think in terms of energy frequency and vibration."

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