Iron Skillet Southern Fried Chicken - The Hillbilly Kitchen

3 years ago

Iron Skillet Southern Fried Chicken - The Hillbilly Kitchen. Heirloom Recipe Perfectly seasoned, crispy, tender fried chicken is as easy as your granny made it look. With just a few simple tips your fried chicken will be as good as those Sunday dinners you remember from long ago.
Fried chicken can be a little intimidating and really is one of those recipes that needs a little explaining. I share everything I have learned after frying chicken for over 35 years and some of my worst mistakes.
Bring Sunday dinner back at your house and make some special memories with your family.

Put God First!


2 tablespoons Honey
1 ½ tablespoons Black Pepper
2 teaspoons Onion Powder
1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 cup Buttermilk
1 large Egg
2 teaspoons Salt
Chicken (bone-in or boneless, skin-on or not, breasts, legs, drumsticks, and/or wings)
1 1⁄2 cups All-Purpose Flour
1⁄2 cup Cornstarch
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
Oil for Frying
2 cups Milk or Broth for Gravy

*All spices are optional and may be substituted with your favorites

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The Hillbilly Kitchen
P.O. Box 243
New Tazewell, TN 37824

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