How To Quickly Mute Television Commercials

3 years ago

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MuteDaddy - Stop Loud Obnoxious TV Commercials - Scroll Down and Watch Our Video!
Brand: MuteDaddy

Brand MuteDaddy
Compatible Devices TV
Number of Batteries 2 AAA batteries required. (included)
About this item
Watch our helpful video on the left for a full description of functionality!
Simply tap the large white button to mute your TV for 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds has passed your TV will automatically unmute! Every additional tap will add 30 seconds to your mute time, and your TV will automatically unmute when the time has expired!
Stop the constant barrage of repetitive and insulting ads
A must have for anyone who mutes TV commercials
Easy to use, small handheld device that works with all modern Tvs

MuteDaddy is the most innovative way to mute those annoying, loud commercials that interrupt our daily entertainment. MuteDaddy is a handheld device that works with almost every modern TV that has a remote. MuteDaddy activates the mute feature on the TV during loud, obnoxious, or repetitive commercials with a press of the big, can't miss, button. You can almost instantly mute for 30 seconds to four minutes. It seems like everyday TV commercials get longer and louder. Now you can mute commercials in a much more effective way. Avoid the seemingly endless stream of repetitive, offensive, and annoying TV commercials with the help of EasyMute. Don’t just sit there staring at the screen waiting for the programming to return. You can check your emails, your calendar, your to-do list, read a magazine, or walk away and know the volume will return in the amount of time you selected, or you can cancel the countdown at any time to unmute the volume. During a one-hour prime-time TV show, there are over 15 minutes of station breaks and as many as 75 different commercials. They are carefully crafted by psychologists and marketing experts to manipulate what you think and influence what you like and don't like. You can now stop the constant barrage of loud, obnoxious commercials. Order yourMuteDaddytoday! Do it for yourself, and everyone around you. You'll be glad you did!

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