2.23.2022 (Special Show) Mr. Morgan Luttrell - Voices In Action/Voces En Accion

3 years ago

During our Primaries Elections, Voces En Accion/Voices in Action is interviewing candidates, so our Hispanic Community is able to make a wise decision on the election day.
Our Guest on Today's Show:
Mr. Morgan Luttrell, Candidate for US. Representative For Texas, 8th Congressional District.
To Contact Morgan:
Durante las eleciones primarias, Voces En Accion/Voices In Action les brinda entrevistas con candidatos politicos, para que la comunidad Hispana pueda hacer una decision clara en el dia de las eleciones.
Nuestro Invitado en el Show de Hoy:
Mr. Morgan Luttrell, Candidate for US. Representative For Texas, 8th Congressional District.
Para Contactar a Morgan:
More Info on Voices In Action
Mas informacíon sobre Voces En Accíon
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