Testing My Alarm Panel through Alarm Grid

5 years ago

In this video, Jorge shows users how to test their panels through Alarm Grid. System testing often is very important. This will help you ensure that your sensors are functioning correctly and communicating with the panel properly. You must test your system annually to receive a Certificate of Alarm.

There are a few different reasons why a sensor may have suddenly stopped working over time. The most common reasons are that a sensor has shifted slightly in position or gathered some dust over time. Going through and testing all of your sensor is necessary for ensuring that all your equipment is operating as it should. Door contacts and motion sensors are particularly important, as slight changes in positioning can prevent them from working. Testing life-safety sensors is also very important, since a malfunctioning smoke detector or CO sensor can have dire consequences.

You must always make sure to put your system on test mode before testing your sensors. This is true for anyone with central station alarm monitoring service from Alarm Grid. If you only have self-monitoring service, then you don't have to worry about putting your system on test mode. This is because you will not receive automatic emergency dispatch from a central monitoring station. If you have central station monitoring, you can put your system on test mode by contacting us, contacting Criticom Monitoring Services, or using the MyAlarms.com feature.

Alarm Grid recommends completing a full system test once per month. However, you can technically test your system as often as you would like. But you must test your system at least once per year if you want to maintain a current Certificate of Alarm (CoA). This can help you save money on your homeowner insurance. Any insurance discounts are offered at the discretion of your insurance provider.

Note: When requesting the Certificate of Alarm through your alarmgrid.com account on our site, you'll be asked for either a fax number or an email address for your insurance representative. Once you enter that information, the certificate will be sent to them, and a copy will also be emailed to you.


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