Explaining the 6F Message on an Alarm Keypad

5 years ago

In this video Jorge from Alarm Grid explains what the 6F message on a Honeywell VISTA Keypad means. This message is really bF, and it stands for "backup failure". It indicates that there is something wrong with the system's alarm monitoring communicator. The message appears on Fixed English Keypads.

There are many reasons why a bF message may appear. One possibility is that the alarm monitoring communicator is unable to successfully transmit signals. For an IP communicator, a common possibility is that the internet is down. A power outage may cause the internet to go out by taking the router offline. Cellular communicator can also experience outages, but they are much less frequent. Some reasons for a cellular service outage can include severe weather or network problems. You might also get this error if your cellular signal is very weak.

Some causes of a bF trouble condition can be extremely minor. For example, there might be a loose tamper cover on the communicator. Its also possible that the communicator is not properly registered. No matter what the trouble is, you must fix the problem in order for the trouble condition to go away. If you cannot fix the trouble condition, then you can always disable the communication path. However, you will need to have a different communication path enabled so that the system can still send out signals during alarm events.

Please note that on an Alphanumeric Keypad, you will get a Check 103 error instead of a bF error. You only get a bF error on a Fixed English Keypad. Check 103 and bF mean the same thing in this case. If you have an Alphanumeric Keypad, then you can get a four (4) digit status code to determine exactly what cause the Check 103 error message to appear on the keypad.


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