The PG9944 Takes Pictures not Videos

5 years ago

In this video, Michael from Alarm Grid explains how the DSC PG9944 PowerG Image Sensor takes still-image pictures, and not videos. When the DSC PG9944 triggers an alarm on the system, it will capture ten (10) images. The first one is forwarded to for remote viewing from the website or app.

As an image sensor, the DSC PG9944 does not capture any videos. It only captures still-image pictures. Image sensors are often used to verify alarms, and they can represent a nice alternative to full-motion security cameras. The advantage to using image sensors like the PG9944 instead of traditional video surveillance cameras is that most monitoring companies will not require you to get a special video monitoring plan to use image sensors. This is great for users who are particularly concerned about keeping monitoring costs as low as possible.

The DSC PG9944 is designed to only capture images when it triggers a system alarm. It captures 10 images when activated, and it sends the first of these images to If the user has a Qolsys IQ Panel 2 Plus System, they can view all 10 images directly from the panel. The images are stitched together in the form of a stop-motion video. This will have an effect on the eyes to make the images appear as a choppy video. But rest assured, they are still-image pictures, not videos.

In order to use the camera function for the DSC PG9944, you will need to have your system set up with You must ask your monitoring company to enable the appropriate image sensor feature for your account. Additionally, you will need to enable Panel Camera Alarm Image Uploads from the Automation section of the website. You can do this by accessing your account from the web browser and clicking the Automation Menu on the left to access the appropriate setting.

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