Wonder (Chords of Truth) - Lyrics Video Slideshow

3 years ago

Lyrics video slideshow for new single “Wonder” by Chords of Truth.
It is intended as a song of hope, inspiration and action for the future of our civilization.

View more like this: https://www.chordsoftruth.com

Note: This video was uploaded to YouTube during the summer of 2016 and on 2/22/2022 was suddenly removed for violating community guidelines... and I received an email that they were concerned that I was going to hurt myself. Then my appeal was rejected as well as soon as I hit submit. Massive censorship is upon us. This should be a positive video but they don't want people to see it for some reason. Can't have people trying to improve the world!

Song Lyrics:

I wonder bout the people who live without the means
to get them where they need to be for bringing about change
that they look for in the models they see all around them
in the family in the city in the schoolyard

Who are they? I wonder what they could be?
Who will help them see... If you won’t?

I wonder bout the people who can't seem to see
through their preconceptions that they cling to for life and death even if it conflicts with what they know deep down to be reasonable
for our progress, for our culture, for our future

Who are they? I wonder what they could be?
Who will help them see... If you won’t?

I wonder bout the people who ponder
how we're going to make it to the next stage
of this journey through the cosmos all together
we must try to do our best to create a world
without hunger, without thirsting, without hatred,
without fighting and wars

Who are they? I wonder what they could be?
Who will help them see... If you won’t?

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