Honeywell Lyric Kit w/ an AT&T-LTE Communicator, 3 Door/Window Sensors, & 1 Motion Sensor

3 years ago

In this video, James from Alarm Grid unboxes the Honeywell Lyric AT&T LTE 3-1 Security System Kit. This complete system kit includes a Honeywell Lyric Alarm System, a Honeywell LYRICLTE-A AT&T LTE Communicator, three (3) door and window sensors, one (1) motion detection sensor, and a Honeywell LT-Cable.

Since the Lyric System already offers built-in WIFI, adding a cellular communicator like the Honeywell LYRICLTE-A will make the system dual-path ready. This can be very important for keeping the alarm system monitored during internet outages that would otherwise take the system offline. Remember though that when you go to sign up for monitoring service, you will need to get an alarm monitoring plan that includes cellular service. Some examples of monitoring plans that include cellular connectivity include the Gold and Platinum Level Plans from Alarm Grid. Both Self and Full Plans are fine, just make sure that it is at the Gold or Platinum Level if you decide to get service from Alarm Grid. With three (3) door and window contact sensors and one (1) motion sensor, this system kit is good for a smaller home or an apartment. Alarm Grid also offers 10-1 kits that are better-suited for larger homes and businesses.

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