Sunny ways flew in on dove's wings but is flying out on the wings of an all-consuming bird of prey

2 years ago

The Counter-Revolution is building in momentum:

Canadians are rejecting the sleight of hand being played on us by our elite class. Progressivism may fly in on the wings of a dove, but it will eventually reveal itself as an all-consuming bird of prey. People are fast growing disillusioned with the Cultural Marxist Revolution being propagated by our woke governments. Sadly, however, many do not understand the origins of this Neo-Marxist march through all of our institutions. Nor do many place sufficient value on the necessity of freedom of discourse and assembly required to maintain the sovereign rights of the individual.

Let’s begin with driving in our own lane, ideologically speaking:
At least have the convictions of your own belief system. If you're a Communist, you must support the right of the proletariat to rebel against the bourgeoisie. If you're a Classical Liberal, you must believe in private property rights and free market economies without central planning. If you're a Conservative, you must believe in constitutionally limited government and the Rule of English Common Law. Stop this hypocrisy! Stay in your own lane!

Many are incapable of adhering to their own ideological possession because they don't actually understand themselves and their ideological motivations!

Know thyself is a moral, epistemological injunction.
The philosophy of Socrates still shines today. Even the most distant philosophers of his principles have discussed and debated his philosophy and teaching (Nietzsche for example).

The phrase “Know thyself” was not invented by Socrates, rather it was the motto inscribed on the frontispiece of the Temple of Delphi.
This assertion, imperative in its form, indicates that man must stand and live according to his nature. Man has to look at himself, into himself. But to find what? And by what means?

These two questions are fundamental.

First as to the what. Indeed, this invitation to introspection must be connected to the Platonic theory of reminiscence. Everyone, says Socrates, has the knowledge itself, but must just remember. Knowledge is inherent in man, not outside of him. Wisdom however is learning to recollect.

As to the How, then. This knowledge of oneself can be achieved only through the Socratic method, that is to say, the dialogue between the soul and the self, or between a student and his teacher. Socrates often acted in the role of questioner, as an attendant emotional. Socrates’ questions because he knows nothing, knows he knows nothing, has nothing to learn, but can help his followers to discover the truths they have within them.

Without this work on yourself, life is worthless according to Socrates:

Hence his axiom, “An unexamined life is not worth living “

His philosophy does not mean, as with the sophists, the acquisition of knowledge but a way of questioning, to challenge, a form of self-concern. Partly due to the influence of Plato and Aristotle, the term sophistry has come to signify the deliberate use of fallacious reasoning, intellectual charlatanism, and moral unscrupulousness.

So, let’s examine the sophistry of Trudeau’s ilk on full display for the entire world to see. The species of identity politics engaged in by Trudeau's government insists on identifying our capital of Ottawa as First Nation's territory. Here’s the thing, what land in North America wasn't the traditional territory of First Nation's people? He uses the fact that he acknowledges Ottawa is Anishnabeg territory so that he can claim to be virtuous merely by repeating the same mantra while doing little to actually address First Nation’s concerns. To add insult to injury, literally physical injury, the elderly woman knocked down by Trudeau's mounted Stasi was a Haudenosaunee clan mother. I spoke with her after I dropped my wife off at her embassy last week. For Trudeau tolerance and inclusiveness apparently includes knocking a clan mother using a walker to the ground so as to dislocate her shoulder. This is exactly how Trudeau demonstrates his respect for not merely a native woman, but a clan mother.

Yes, brutalizing a First Nations woman on First Nation's territory is Trudeau's version of respecting First Nation's rights to protest his government's disregard for our First Nations peoples. This is shameless hypocrisy on full view for the entire world to see.
Mr. Trudeau, Canada was once a leader in peacekeeping, while your illiberal authoritarian regime has turned it into the very model of how to crush peaceful demonstrators. And now under your tyranny we have martial law. The sophistry you once employed to convince Canadians you were all about peace, light and sunny ways flew in on the wings of a dove but today is flying out on the wings of an all-consuming bird of prey!

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