Flooding villages in Shropshire and Worcester are facing conditions described as a danger to life

2 years ago

Residents have been forced to flee their homes as they brace themselves for the worst flooding misery in two decades after the River Severn burst its banks.

Locals in Ironbridge, Shrops., and Bewdley, Worcs., are facing "danger to life" conditions amid fears that flood defences could fail today (Tue).

Dramatic footage shows buildings submerged in floodwater after the rampant storms of Dudley, Eunice and Franklin in the past week caused water levels to rise.

The River Severn at Shrewsbury was earlier recorded at 5.14m (16.8ft) - making it the fourth biggest flood ever recorded in the area and the worst since 2000.

Water levels were this afternoon at 4.98m (16.3ft) in Bewdley and 6.5m (21ft) in Ironbridge and are expected to peak at 7m (22ft) this evening.

Local authorities have been identifying high-risk no-go zones for cars and pedestrians while advising residents to abandon their homes and get to safer ground.

Flood water is currently being pumped out of water-breached homes in both the picturesque Worcestershire town and the historical village in Shropshire.

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