Fei Tian College Classical Chinese Dance Foundational Training Routines - Beginner

3 years ago

Fei Tian College Classical Chinese Dance Foundational Training Routines now makes public, for the first time, the dance training of “shen-dai-shou” (the body leads the hands), and “kua-dai-tui” (the hips lead the legs).
This shen-dai-shou and kua-dai-tui was personally imparted by Mr. D.F., the founder of Shen Yun Performing Arts, its Artistic and Creative Director, as well as Fei Tian College Distinguished Professor and Classical Chinese Dance Director.

This video incorporates the shen-fa of shen-dai-shou and kua-dai-tui into the dance routines that train the essential elements of classical Chinese dance—chong and kao, han and tian, as well as ning, qing, yuan, qu, and shou, yan, shen, fa, bu. Since the shen-fa is different, the way movements are performed is different, and as movements are extended the dance feeling changes, giving it a grander air, the result is that the essential elements of classical Chinese dance are brought out even more beautifully and distinctly. Meanwhile, through kua-dai-tui the students’ bigger movements and poses have even more aesthetic appeal. In the routines, the dancers’ movements have greater range, a grand aura, are smooth and flowing, and their dancing is incredibly expressive.
Thanks to shen-dai-shou and kua-dai-tui, Fei Tian dance has an entirely unique feel. When it comes to the movements and feeling (shen-fa and shen-yun), it represents the pinnacle of achievement in the world of dance.


🔵Watch The Full Episode 👉https://ept.ms/FoundationalTrainingRoutines


Shen Yun Performing Arts is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company.

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