Hump Day Chest and Leg Split - 20220223

2 years ago

"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort."

-Paul J. Meyer

Today’s Routine:

Barbell Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 135x12
Set 2: 185x10
Set 3: 225x8
Set 4: 240x3
Set 5: 245x3
Set 6: 250x3
Best 1RM: 285.00

Leg Press
Set 1: 478x10
Set 2: 568x10
Set 3: 658x10
Set 4: 748x10
Set 5: 838x10
Best 1RM: 1117.33

Machine Chest Press
Set 1: 137x12
Set 2: 162x12
Set 3: 182x10
Best 1RM: 242.67

Dumbbell Incline Fly
Set 1: 50x12
Set 2: 50x12
Set 3: 50x12
Best 1RM: 70.00

Kneeling Leg Curl
Set 1: 50x12
Set 2: 60x12
Set 3: 75x10
Best 1RM: 100.00

Leg Extension
Set 1: 175x15
Set 2: 175x15
Set 3: 175x15
Best 1RM: 262.50

#legday #humpdaylifts #benchpress #godbless

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