Former School Board Member Who Defended Gender Queer in the Library & CRT Complains About Vouchers

3 years ago

February 15, 2022 at the Ankeny School Board Meeting, former board member Lori Lovstad who infamously appeared to defend the controversial Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the cartoon porn in the school library here:

complained about vouchers which allow parents to take money away from public schools in favor of private schools.

One may question why she feels she has the right to dictate how parents raise their children. One may also speculate that several parents have lost faith in the public schooling system after so much controversial sexual grooming has been allowed to take place with these controversial overly sexualized books like "Gender Queer" and their cartoon child porn and the historically inaccurate/divisive Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Furthermore, one may also begin to question the efficiency of money management in the Ankeny Public School District when former superintendent Matthew Wendt was accused of fraud in 2018, yet paid a handsome severance reward of $58,800 to keep his mouth shut and go away. Wendt later turned up in Arkansas for sexual harassment:

Several parents have lost all faith in the public schooling system for reasons like these, and to several parents, Lori's complaints seem extremely unwarranted.

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