Feb 6 2022: Who Is Jesus

3 years ago

Who Is Jesus?
Pastor Matt Haflett

1. Jesus is __________.
• There is no doubt that this is true both by His claims as well as the claims of others.
• It is made clear in the bible over and over that it is true.
• John 10:30-33, John 8:58-59, Exodus 3:14, John 1:1-5, Acts 20:28, John 20:28, Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, Hebrews 1:8, Isaiah 9:6

2. The _________ of God.
• We know that God is holy and perfect, pure of heart.
• Throughout the Old Testament, we see sacrifices given to God for our sins, many times this would be a lamb.
• Jesus is the Lamb of God who was sacrificed or all of our sins.
• Psalms 18:30, Psalms 51:5, Romans 6:23, John 1:29, John 1:35-36, Matthew 20:28, John 10:18

3. The only __________.
• Universalism: all roads lead to Heaven, the problem with this is the Bible.
• Through Jesus on the cross is the only way to obtain salvation
• One of our biggest roles on the Earth is to tell the world of this truth, not to look down upon those who don’t know or believe.
• John 14:6, Acts 4:12

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