3 years ago


🍏They made us believe that each of us is half an orange, and that the
life only makes sense when we find the other half. They didn't say that already we are born whole, that no one in our life deserves to carry the
responsibility to complete what we lack: we grow through ourselves
same. If we're in good company, it's just faster.
🍏They made us believe in a formula called "two in one", two people
thinking alike, acting alike, that this was what worked. they didn't tell us
that it has a name: annulment. That only being individuals with their own personality is that we can have a healthy relationship.
🍏They made us believe that marriage is mandatory and that desires out of time must be suppressed. They made us believe that the handsome and thin are more loved, than those who have sex a little are grimaces, than those who have sex a lot are unreliable, and that there will always be an old slipper for a clubfoot. Nobody told us that old slippers also have their value, as they don't hurt us, and that there are more crooked heads than feet.
🍏They made us believe that there is only one formula for being happy, the same for everyone,and those who escape it are condemned to marginality. They didn't tell us that these formulas go wrong, frustrate people, are alienating, and that we could try other less conventional alternatives.

📢Text:📢Martha Medeiros 📢Research: 📢Vitor hugo Lizardi Leonardi

🔔🔴SHOW- The channel was created to promote texts and sounds for us to think a little about life and as we can be very happy with what little we have, did you like it, leave your LIKE, your comment as soon as possible we will reply, thank you. If any writer,record label, artist or photographer has a problem with any music upload or video, please contact us and we will remove your work immediately. Thank you!
🔔🔴📣 We strive to find the best and most enjoyable text and music for
you! We hope to make your days more beautiful with texts and music that make you think and music to relax! Text, love and music. I'm also a writer, I'm working on this project!
🔔🔴📣 If you have any copyright issues or questions, please don't let me know. report, please take the time to contact us via email and we will respond within 48 hours 🔔🔴 vitorleonardi99@gmail.com 🔔🔴

#tobelieve ,#faith, #believe, #art, #hope ,#acreditar ,#prayer,
#god ,#italia, #peace ,#positivevibes, #happy ,#o ,#love, #thankyoujesus,
#poweroffaith, #ibelieveinyou, #change, #worshipservice, #lucenelletenebre,
#allah, #shout ,#paroladellagrazia, #nevergiveuponyou ,#evolve ,#accomplish
, #reaches ,#fight ,#patience ,

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