A Broken Heart - Empty Without You

3 years ago

This video includes one of many love poems inspired by a quote from a classical poet. Robert Browning was the inspiration for "A Broken Heart" with this quote: ‘I would have rummaged, ransacked at the word; Those old odd corners of an Empty heart; For remnants of dim love the long disused, And dusty crumbling of Romance!”
Its lines are filled with other love quotes. It is a sad expression of love lost as the lover remembers romance and laments over love that's been lost. She is filled with anguish so much that she feels "My being is drained. I fall ill with a hollow heart--". Hope is gone, her world is empty. She questions if life is worth living without her loved one.
This lover, like so many others who have a broken heart, desires to love once again and live life to the fullest!
To read Sheila's article "WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO GET YOUR LOVE BACK" click this link:

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