Near-Death Experience - Alon Anava - I Saw My Entire Future

3 years ago


"I saw my wife from across the room, and I recognized her . . . half a year later, the rabbi I was in touch with . . . he told me, 'I know a girl that you will probably would like' and when he pointed her out, I was laughing . . . I recognized her . . . When we went on [our first] date, the whole date I am looking at her and I'm thinking, 'I can't believe it. This is not normal!' . . . I saw my kids . . . In the beginning, when my wife was pregnant the first time, she kept asking me, 'What are we having?' I told her, 'I'm not allowed to say, I'm not allowed to say, don't ask me' . . . A lot of the things I remember, but I don't remember how and what . . . I knew my brother-in-law was going to die; I remember seeing him dying, but I didn't know how. And I didn't know when. So when he died, I remember seeing him dying, but I didn't know when it's going to come, how it's going to come . . . So there are a lot of things I remember, but I don't remember all the details, I remember it very vaguely . . . Half of my family -- at least then -- thought I was completely nuts. When I came and told them [about my near-death experience, they didn't believe me]; they totally disqualified my mental abilities. So if I would come and tell them, 'by the way, I saw then [in the other world] that this is going to happen,' [they would have thought I was crazy], so I had to be very careful with how I say things."

"I lifted my head and opened my eyes and the whole scene -- what I saw for three or four seconds -- was exactly how I remembered my wedding . . . Even how everyone was positioned -- all my aunts, my sisters, everything . . . the picture, it was exactly how I saw it."

Watch the original video here:


Before his near-death experience, Alon Anava, a Jewish man who grew up in Ra’anana, Israel, describes himself as rough, rude, mean, and not a nice person. After his near-death experience, Alon says he was transformed into someone who was nice, calm, courteous, and soft spoken. Whereas before he was a highly trained martial artist, now he attends Yeshiva studying every day, exploring the depths of Torah, refining and elevating himself on a daily basis. Alon also claims to have returned with the ability to connect to God in a way that allows him to connect with others and help them overcome their questions and concerns. During his free time, he shares his near-death experience and what he learned from it. Alon is also a photographer and web designer.


Alon Anava on NDE Stories

Alon Anava Website

Alon Anava on Facebook

Alon Anava on YouTube


Portions of Alon's story are included in:

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven


Learn about near-death experiences:

What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us

NHNE's Formula Website

NDE Stories

Near-Death Experiences From Around The World

Historical & Cross-Cultural Near-Death Experiences

The Purpose Of Life As Revealed By Near-Death Experiences From Around the World

500 Quotes From Heaven

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