What do masks, mandates, and The Great Reset have to do with being a healthy human?

2 years ago

Who would have ever thought that being human could screw up people’s plans so much? Let’s start to discuss why people like me never agreed with masks or mandates from early on. It’s not that we’re selfish, or unwilling to do good things for the greater good. That's actually quite the opposite.

People like me have been privy to the conditioning and gaslighting that has brought us here. We saw things coming because we knew about The Great Reset.

Knowledge is power. If you haven't educated yourself on the bigger plan at play, now is the time because the time is running out. Here are a few books to get you started.

The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr.

The Truth About Covid 19

The Great Reset- the first couple reviews are spot on.

So, let’s first crack into what the restrictions have really been about because it’s not about health.


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