A Great Time Gate Deja Vu View on the Year 2,222 AD — 2-02-2022 Message from Ananda Bosman

2 years ago

Great Time Gate Deja Vu greetings dear Ones,
Here is a 2-02-2022 Short Message from Ananda. In Commemoration of the Time Gate with the Great Time Gate.
The Time Gate was UFO ExtraTemporal Intelligence Instigated. Thousands participated in that 14 year psychological time travel, chronesthesia experiment, open ending a time loop parabolically, files and records here:


As explained in 1996, here:



And in 2010 in a 22 part series:


We link in compassionate love of the One Creator All Is God of All-Oneness with those in the year 2,222 AD that are Time Gating with us now in 2-02-2022, in 2012-2011-2010-1996 for the Time Gate open-ended to the most coherent outcome for all of mankind, as Awakening United Mankind is stirring in these Awakening Dream sequences.

Today, a most powerful decree Order by our international Natural & Common Law Tribunal for Public Health & Justice was sent to authorities of significance. All Judges yesterday ruled in favor of this order. It is fresh, 35 minutes ago, on this auspicious date of 2-02-2022.
So let it Be in Unity.
Ananda Bosman, 2-02-2022

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