Dark Outpost 02-22-2022 When Psychics Attack Part 2

3 years ago

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A renowned Internet psychic counselor has launched unprecedented demonic attacks against members of the truther community. Two of this confirmed Reptilian shapeshifter’s victims are regular guests on the Dark Outpost, as well as having their own Internet broadcasts. These attacks have manifested themselves in physical injuries otherwise unexplainable, and horrific demonic appearances within the home of at least one of our guests. You will see shocking video and physical evidence. In this special broadcast, we will visit with the two Dark Outpost guests to whom this has happened, Brice Watson and Stephanie Schapp, and two other guests with expertise in fighting off these black magic attacks, Ellen Redd and Dr. Rita Louise. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at https://watch.darkoutpost.tv!

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