With Racism Healing in the 80s, is our Current Racist Explosion a Healing Crisis?

3 years ago

"Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists'" - Thomas Sowell

In this video I talk about how our experience with racism over the last 20 years may be like a healing crisis. Most of the body of people is healthy (not racist), but there are portions of toxic racism still hanging around in the body and the body is ready to release those toxins, but healing crises can be ugly as toxins are expunged.

I don't know why but I think racism is worse in highly populated areas like big cities and online groups, but seems to be much less in actual "real world" interaction in less populated areas.

Intro 00:00
The Human Race Comes From Same Place 00:43
My Generation 01:14
1st Experience Being Seen For My Color 2:02
My College Experience w/Racists 3:16
Black Hebrew Israelites in 2015 4:45
Racism Has Gotten Worse (Media to Blame?) 6:17
Racism Explosion is Like a Healing Crisis 7:57
Healing Crisis is a Good Sign 12:01
Judging on Character/Merit & NOT Color 12:28
Essene Mirrors & Projection 14:08
CRT is Disempowering BIPOC 16:28
Racism Doesn't Make Sense 17:39
Conclusion 18:18

Gregg Braden & 7 Essene Mirrors https://asabovebelowloa.com/law-of-attraction-7-essene-mirrors-abraham-hicks/#essenemirrors

Black Lives Matter & The Victim Mentality https://asabovebelowloa.com/black-lives-matter-the-victim-mentality/

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As Above / Below LOA Life Coaching: https://www.asabovebelowloa.com/

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