Disappointed In Americans!

3 years ago

I have been saying this since the onset of the pandemic when learnt street-wisdom started to kick-in after easily seeing the goal posts moving a lot, the constant flip-flop dereliction of duty behavior coming from our supposed main health leaders that would have gotten people fired in any other sane civilized circumstance, the bizarre censoring of clinical doctors who were only doing what they were schooled to do by quickly getting the word-out and share what is working on the front lines as the bullets and mortars are flying overhead, and many other things that began stinking to high heaven! Unfortunately free-leaning societies that get too far removed from their roots and look at their founding fundamentals as a thing of the past or just something to maybe talk about but are not really applicable anymore because it was so long ago…are at a very high risk to repeat but self-destruct the second time around.

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