Let's Talk Samurai Shodown Again

5 years ago

So today I'll be giving my thoughts and opinions on the new Samurai shodown again.

I am so excited to see this new entery in the series.

Want information links?

Gamatusu: Samurai shodown staff interview and much more.. ► https://gematsu.com/2019/03/samurai-shodown-launches-for-ps4-and-xbox-one-in-june-switch-in-q4-2019-and-pc-later-44-minutes-of-gameplay-and-staff-interview

Samurai Shodown/ Samurai Spirits Teaser Trailer #3 ► https://youtu.be/5buaPJ8OdIY

Social Media

Rayuka ► (@Rayuka): https://twitter.com/Rayuka

#SamuraiShodown #SamuraiSpirits #SnK #RayukaGaming
Don't forget to Subscribe and like the video it help the channel and it Appreciated and Until Next Time Everyone Sayonara!

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