The Kinsman Redeemer, A Study Through Ruth: Returning from Moab 1:6-22

3 years ago

Last week, we began this journey through the Book of Ruth. We introduced the setting and themes (Gospel elements) and took away a few universal lessons—All mankind needs redemption, God offers it freely to all, but redemption comes only through Jesus Christ.
Today, we are getting into the story proper. Remember, this is God’s Word, but it is also great literature! This is a beautiful story with compelling characters, drama, and plot twists.
In our passage, we see Naomi decide to return to the Promised Land from Moab. There is a kind of repentance here—she is turning back, but it isn’t a hopeful turn. She is much like the Prodigal Son of Luke 15, "I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants.' And he arose and came to his father."
Naomi’s return is one of desperation. There is nothing left for her in Moab. Her family’s search for safety and sanctuary away from God’s Promised Land has gone terribly wrong. (Remember, there is no rest apart from God’s will.)
Thankfully, this is not where the story ends, this is just the beginning!
What opens as a bleak and bitter story about Naomi transforms into a story of faithfulness and hope with Ruth, and ultimately ends as a story of God’s goodness and sovereignty.
As we unpack our passage, we will begin by looking into the hearts of Naomi and Ruth, and we’ll finish by seeing God’s loving hand working in the background.

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