THE NEW INVISIBLE MAN 1958 (El hombre Que Logró Ser Invisible) Mexican Version of 'The Invisible Man Returns' in English FULL MOVIE

3 years ago

THE NEW INVISIBLE MAN 1958 (El hombre Que Logró Ser Invisible) Mexican Remake of Universal Studio's "The Invisible Man's Returns", dubbed into English.

Businessman Carlos Hill is falsely convicted of murder, sentenced to 99 years in prison. His scientist brother creates an invisibility serum & smuggles it into prison. Hill takes the serum, vanishes, and walks out of jail. Invisibility enables Hill to prove his innocence, but the serum cases him to go mad. Hill decides that he'd rather terrorize the city than go back to being normal.

If you like the classic Universal horror films, this is quite enjoyable with decent FX (Subscribe to this channel and my others as some videos are not monetized and/or not searchable)

You can watch the FULL MOVIE here on this channel.

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