Top 10 Canadian Dog Breeds

2 years ago

Everybody knows Labrador Retriever or Newfoundland dog, but what about other Canadian breeds? In this video i will show you TOP 10 dogs from Canada.
Canada is country with rough terrain and cold temperatures. That is why all the dog breeds from Canada are very tough and versatile. Most of these dogs were bred to be hunters, a lot of time they had to retrieve birds from water. That is why they often time have water resistant coat.

It is surprising that there are not that many dog breeds originating from Canada, but some of them belongs to the most popular dog breeds worldwide. Labrador, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever or Newfoundland – we all know these dogs.

The three aforementioned breeds might be the most well-known Canadian breeds, but they aren’t the only dogs who hail from the north. The Canadian Eskimo Dog and Labrador Husky are hard-working, rare spitz breeds who thrive in the cold and often used in sledding, carting, and hunting.

TOP 10 Canadian dog breeds TIMESTAMPS:
0:20 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
0:47 Hare Indian dog
1:09 Newfoundland dog
1:31 Salish Wooldog
2:13 Labrador Retriever
2:42 St. John's Water dog
3:15 Canadian Eskimo dog
3:47 Seppala Siberian Sleddog
4:15 Labrador Husky
4:55 Landseer

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