Crete Greece. Was Zeus Real?

3 years ago

Crete is the largest and most populous of the Greek Islands. Crete lies approximately 160 km south of the Greek mainland. Humans inhabited the island for 130,000 years, during the Paleolithic Age and the center of Europe's first advanced civilization, the Minoans.

In this episode, we venture to Psychro Cave with is known to be the birthplace of the mythical god Zeus. This hike is a steep climb but you can ride a donkey up if you choose. The chamber is massive and you can see why they believe gods lived there.
Next, we see Knossos Palace which is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and has been called Europe's oldest city. Settled as early as the Neolithic period, the name Knossos survives from ancient Greek. Built by the Minoans, it covers about 150,000 square feet, the size of more than two football fields, and was surrounded by a town in antiquity. This was excavated in the early 20th century and restored by a team led by British archaeologist Arthur Evans

We were able to see all this in one day before catching a flight back to Athens Greece. One of our best days yet.

Paraiso - Craig Reever
Run Your Way - Dvine
Golden Bullet - Ceen

#Zeus#knossos #crete

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