FHR#015: Dissecting our Dreams; The Divine, Angels, Sex, Guns, Snakes & Ayahuasca with Noeli Lytton

3 years ago

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Bryce talks to Noeli Lynton
Noeli is a retired school poetry teacher
They talk about what dreams mean and the symbology within each dream
They discuss each dream theme; nightmares, violence, sex and symbolism

Noeli has taught dreamwork classes for 40 years
She also offers classes in mythology, poetry and dream work
She leads two small dream interpretation communities monthly
Dreams are there to push us towards our wholeness
There are no single meanings to a dream - there are about 10 levels of every dream
Only the dreamer knows the true meaning of their dreams
Nightmares are a shock technique by the body to wake us up to something that’s really out of balance.
They are like looking at part of ourselves that we’ve repressed or we’re embarrassed by
Shame comes up as a nightmare and tells us that that repressed part is needed
Violence in a dream means you have violent beliefs about yourself; something that you believe needs to be hurt
Sexual dreams means an encounter with the divine, or ‘the great other’
Rape dreams mean that you’re dealing with something that you don’t want to and are being confronted with something you don’t believe
A cheating dream means something that you admire in that person isn’t dedicated to your ego anymore. It’s a feeling like you’re cheating yourself out of that quality
In these cases ask the dreamer ‘how have you been cheating yourself recently’
Reoccurring dreams are not necessarily more important than other one-off dreams
These mean that the soul is trying to work through a problem or a hurt
Symbols in a dream represent a quality or something from our psychic nature
e.g. animals in dreams are symbols of our instinctive nature
For example a dog is your unconditional love for yourself so you need to see how that dog is being treated in the dream. Is it alive, is it on a chain etc
Always try and write down your dream at any point you can remember it. This honours the dream and allows you to remember more in the future.

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