Justin Trudeau Wins Vote To Extend The Emergencies Act Despite End Of Ottawa Protest #FreedomConvoy

2 years ago


Despite Ottawa being cleared out, the tyrant himself, #BlackfaceHitler Justin Trudeau wins a vote to have complete totalitarian control over Canadians. He continuously gaslights the country and his base of bootlickers by claiming it is "okay to peacefully protest" despite the truckers peacefully protesting and that it is "not okay to be hateful towards fellow Canadians" despite that being exactly what he is doing (PROOF PROVIDED).

This is being cheered on by the left wing, as the push now is to make Financial Surveillance permanent, the ultimate wet dream of Chrystia Freeland and the World Economic Forum.

The media has been constantly lying about the protests. They claimed that the protesters were violent and are now lying that the police have NOT been. They openly deny all the video evidence of police brutality against women, elders, and media reporters trying to expose to truth.

The continued weaponization of the vaccine, the mandates, and Covid19 as a whole is some of the darkest times of this generation



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