President of America’s Future, Inc. & Healthcare IT Entrepreneur Endorses Joey Gilbert for NV Gov

3 years ago

Joseph Flynn says, “Gilbert will fight for the people of Nevada”
RENO, Nev. – February 22, 2021 – IT entrepreneur Joseph J. Flynn is among the growing crowd of prominent business leaders endorsing Nevada gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert.

Flynn is the co-founder, President and CEO of AUXILIO, which provides healthcare cybersecurity and document solutions. He is an accomplished business leader with over 20 years of international and domestic business management experience with some of the world’s largest global companies such as; the Nielsen Corporation and Advanstar Communications.

A graduate of the Catholic University of America in Washington DC with a BA in international affairs, Flynn is the brother of retired United States Army Lieutenant General and former U.S. National Security Advisor, Michael T. Flynn.

Flynn serves as the President of America's Future, Inc., the nation’s leader in the fight to preserve American values and ideals, protect the nation’s Constitutional Republic, promote strong American families, revitalize the role of faith in our society, and advance the virtues of free-market capitalism. As a champion of conservative values, Flynn’s ideals align seamlessly with Nevada gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert.

The Florida entrepreneur offers a “solid endorsement for Joey Gilbert for governor of the great state of Nevada.” Flynn recognizes the issues that are foremost on the minds of Nevadans, particularly when it comes to ensuring the security of our elections. “Joey is going to go in there and fight for the people of the state of Nevada, fight for election integrity, and fight for freedom and American values.”

About Joey Gilbert: Known as “The People’s Champ”, Joey has built a prestigious career as an attorney, former world-ranked middleweight boxing champion, Nevada Golden Gloves boxing champion, three-time National Collegiate boxing champion, four-time all-American, and a US Air Force Veteran.

Since March 2020, Gilbert has fought in court against Nevada’s politically motivated & corrupt Governor to open churches, and won! He sued to make early treatment medication accessible to all Nevadans, is currently in federal court in Las Vegas against the mask mandate on Nevada’s school children, and is back in court challenging the mandatory vaccination of university students —especially those who have recovered from Covid-19. “I am not slowing down; I will remain in the fight for bodily integrity and our God-given constitutional rights.”

Joey is also the Director of Strategy for America's Frontline Doctors, where they have been involved with filing more than a dozen lawsuits across this nation on behalf of our military, healthcare workers, teachers, and students with regards to the unconstitutional mandatory vaccination orders of our corrupt government. Joey has been leading a crusade for the people AND THEIR FREEDOM OF CHOICE & to leave personal medical decisions up to “WE THE PEOPLE & PARENTS.”

For more information about Joey Gilbert and his Nevada gubernatorial campaign, visit

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