Ham Radio Fan Vertical Antenna - The ChimeTenna v1.0

2 years ago

This is the tour of my new Ham Radio Homebrew 1/4 Wave Fan Vertical Antenna. Thank you to Callum at Dx Commander and Dave Casler for the Elmership to help me create this. They both answered my questions on their live streams about using masts as elements that made this possible.

I wanted a permanent solution due to the damaging winds we get in New Mexico. My first fan vertical hung from a tree and the winds would just destroy it. It's still there and I plan to use it as an Auxilliary antenna for the MFJ-1026 noise cancelling enhancer.

This is Version 1. I would like to upgrade the wood base and guides with some kind of UV resistant hard plastic or some other material.

73 de KI5MIT

Dx Commander video
** Callum's channel was taken down by YouTube and he's rebuilding it.

Dave Casler video
** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHmgVNbuqXs
(he refers to me as a she, it happens!)

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