Good old School days from K1 then K2 to 12 grade all my school pictures

3 years ago

This is a video I put together of ALL my Grade school pictures from K1 to K2 then to my 12th & final day of GRADE SCHOOL. I graduated at Loy Norrix High School in 1977 at the age of 18 then turned 19 less the a month later cuz my birth date is 6-19-58 & I got held back in kindergarten CUZ I couldn't spell Kintergarder HEHEHEAH! just kidding. my brain wasn't rip enough! for them I GUESS. I was so dam PISSED the second time in K-2 I frond to show I like being held the F**K back!! its the ONLY picture I ever never smiled in! BUT the day I graduated was my HAPPYest DAY because I was DONE with being FORCED to go to JUNKY GOOFY brick & mortar school! with Good OLD School day playing so enjoy my video. even if you don't like the PICS you can enjoy the GOOD Old school days song

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