Shollie's Sweets - Chickasha, Oklahoma - audio podcast

3 years ago

On today's episode of the #podcast, we are talking with Shollie Hammons, the owner/operator of Shollie's Sweets in Chickasha, OK.

If you like cake, cookies or beef jerky, then you are going to love Shollie! If you are stopping in at the Festival of Lights, be sure to stop for one of the fresh baked cinnamon rolls.

We also discussed Rett syndrome, which is a rare non-inherited genetic postnatal neurological disorder that occurs primarily in girls and more rarely in boys. is a great site to learn more. To join in on the fight against this disorder, will keep you up to date on recent breakthroughs in research and even links to donate.

Special thanks to our advertiser: Master Threads

#TravelOK #onlyinokshow #Oklahoma #ChickashaOK #route66 #ChristmasIsComing #SmallTownFun

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