“Unprofessional Intercepts” From Russian Jets || U.S. P-8A 'Close Encounter' Over Mediterranean Sea

2 years ago

“Unprofessional Intercepts” From Russian Jets || U.S. P-8A 'Close Encounter' Over Mediterranean Sea. Three U.S. Navy surveillance aircraft had an 'extremely close' encounters with multiple Russian jets flying over the Mediterranean Sea over the weekend, at a time of heightened tensions between the two countries over Russia's military buildup along its border with Ukraine.
The U.S. planes were in international waters at the time of the intercepts. No one was injured, but two defense officials said the intercepts were unprofessional on the U.S. side.
Russian aircraft came close to three U.S. Navy P-8A while they were flying in international airspace over the Mediterranean.
The sources would not detail precisely how close the Russian aircraft came to the US Navy P 8 maritime patrol aircraft, but the maneuvers by the Russians were described as "unsafe and unprofessional."
The initial reporting indicates there was a subsequent additional encounter after that between US and Russian jets.
It is not unusual for Russian aircraft to approach US military aircraft but the majority of the interactions are considered safe and professional by the US.
Also, US military aircraft escorted a Russian cargo plane and fighters across an air exclusion zone in eastern Syria, when the Russians failed to give appropriate advance notification of their flights, according to other US officials.
US officials continue to say these close and unexpected encounters risk a miscalculation that could lead to a military incident.
Several of the officials indicated there is video of the incident. But the Biden administration has yet to publicly acknowledge any of the details amid rising tensions with the Russia as it masses troops on the border with Ukraine.
Maybe someone will be able to get a hold of this video, if not we could believe that the american Planes have been ridiculized by the Russian jets. Given the latest information we now know that the Russian planes were the Sukhoi-35 model of which's manuverability is renown.
The P8A poseidon surveilance planes, seem to have a lot of activity over the Mediteranean Sea given that in the area Russian Navy activity is high, supplying the military bases in Syria.
I hope you enjoy this video representation that i compiled for you.
#Russia, #P8Poseidon, #AircraftScramble

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