3 years ago


Drop the Fear, we have already won

Many of us are still very much consumed in the lies and deception

Many of us are waking up yet still wasting much of our energy with everything that is happening around the world at the moment

There has been many negatives going on, however at the same time so many more positives.

If you can take the time to go to the end game first, go and have a look at the information put out there showing that the good guys are and have been in control, all the evidence is there, yet people choose to ignore, deny, and argue it.

It’s there all there and people
choose not to look because of ego
Trump and the good guys have always been in control. Every negative argument that comes back about controlled opposition and operation warp speed has already been answered many times.

Truth is not about being right, it’s about being open to change

All of the things we are seeing right now is to wake up the rest of the population, if you are awake already, please start paying attention to all of the good things happening and look at what Trump has done over that time.

Look at his trip around the world in 2017, look at the work on human trafficking and all the big elite pedofiles that are now inside, pay attention to the executive orders and look at the all the way through.

The evidence is all there for us to see.
We are at war, and the military alliance are in control of all of this. Every-time the enemy step over another line, more changed take place

They announce 5-11 year olds as approvals without no evidence, the military step in and you will see the narrative change again

Pay attention to the way you enter conversations. Are you throwing information that is fear, are you still arguing at others, are you getting wound up?

Now STOP, save your everything, if you know good is here then why would you get angry

And if you still don’t believe good is here, go and watch and read the information I keep sharing (my truth) and show me why I am wrong with your information
Think about it, why would I waste all my energy on this it was false.
Surely it makes more sense to pay attention, look for the signs and make your own truth


This video is of his trip around the world and will show you that he has been in control from this moment. The pedofiles knew they had been caught


And the people behind the scenes knew they now had to do something to remove trump and they threw everything at him, their whole system got exposed over the last 5 years and the world have woken up to it all

Executive orders - take the time and actually read through them all. No one will read them for you, yet all the information is there for us to see


All the answers here but we often refuse to go there, why is that?
All the answers but we often refuse to go there, why is that?

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