Ramblings By The River: Make A Stronger Agreement With Yourself, With All of You

3 years ago

Ramblings By The River: Make A Stronger Agreement With Yourself, With All of You.
produced on https://livinglifeinhd.com/, on February 20, 2022

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It's an exciting night! The energies are off the charts with New Beginnings! I am speaking from a vibrational frequency in the New Earth. And from the excitement frequency of millions of people.

I've spent the last several days, along with about 300 people beta testing TruthSocial. It's the first of the New energies big social structures and its great. The feeling of playing with all in there, working on listing bug fixes and testing the things we were asked to test...

And just moments ago like a supernova of expansive Absolute Data we were all switched over and the Truth Social App is Live! "ahead of schedule" to the consternation of specific energies and entities I'm sure.

It's not about social media that makes me excited it's about breaking through into ever accelerating expansion for all and this is a cool marker.

I was nudged to sit and ramble by the river with you for a few minutes this evening after work. Before I went back to the beta testing ;-)

The air had a Snap to it this afternoon. Everything seems enlivened by the latest surges of energies this weekend. As I watched the colors streak the sky kissing the sinking sun. I was nudged to sit by the river with you after work. To ramble a while. :- )

I have been playing quite a bit lately, moment by moment. For the last several weeks making a stronger agreement with myself. With my Soul-self. All of me.
The agreement is to put me first. [Yes, even before my fur family]
To let me lead. To let me shine. When I strengthen this agreement. It has the most inspiring effects and affects with everything in my life. The expansion of my heart centered energy sky rockets. The creativity, ingenuity, peace and simple pleasures that greet me in each varied moment. Are such fun and deliciously surprising gifts.

The strengthening, deepening, of the agreement. The moment by moment. Literally. Of embracing this strengthening of the agreement with myself. Allows more Source Force. More multidimensional life force energy to flow into and flow through me. The me that then comes into connection with Rose, Keegan, and Zander. With creating and living my life and my business. With the people and projects at work. Has an expanded well of radiant energy and giving to share. It's a tangible experience of shooting the light fantastic!

Come sit by the creek for a moment with me with the pearling coming of dusk. Perhaps you too will choose to play moment by moment with making a stronger agreement with yourself. All of You.

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